Swim: Celebrity Team Captain Mark Ormrod
Bike: Callistus and Caleb Hughes, (9), from Enniskillen co Fermanagh
Push/Run: Tom Dorman, (28) , Banbury, Oxon
Bike: Callistus and Caleb Hughes
Your story: The Super boys are teaching us all what life is all about and what is really important - we have met some amazing people through the boys and have had some amazing experiences. The boys never show weakness to get involved in challenges but the boys have definitely exceeded all of our expectations there is no challenge to big or small to take on. Superheroes has given us all a huge boost on our journey and we realise we are part of a much bigger and joyful family that wants as Callistus says to celebrate life.”
What it feels like to win a Celebrity Team place: “I honestly cannot believe I have won a place. I never win anything!”
Gadget of choice: Bikes and Chariots
Your Superpower: Callistus is a show stealer when one of his favourite songs comes on. Caleb has a sparkly smile that can charm anyone
Push/run: Tom Dorman
Your story: I’m a Super hero Police Officer who was involved in a road traffic collision last September whilst on duty in Maidenhead. I had stopped a vehicle on a Sunday morning and another vehicle has crashed into my crew mate and I whilst we were pedestrians. I returned to work within three months (as a hero) and have since been campaigning for a greater awareness of catastrophic bleed control. I’ve used my superpowers and determination to push through every hurdle in my way and have been heavily inspired by the Invictus games which were on just after I came home from hospital. There is so much that can be achieved with a disability, especially watching Mark Ormerod and his achievements, including seeing his incredible sportsmanship to take part in the breaststroke event to stop the event being cancelled!
What it feels like to win a Celebrity Team place: “I’m thrilled and ready to take on the challenge.”
Your gadget of choice: Wheelchair if can’t use prosthetic
Fundraising Raising for: Police Care UK, Pilgrim Bandits
Your Superpower: Super Determination!